Solar power is a dynamic force in the alternative energy industry. With advances in technology, new equipment, and a growing number of installations in North Central Florida, we keep our customers current with our timely blog posts.

Whether you are wondering how solar works, about the financing options for solar, or which system options are best for your home, we have answers to your questions. We invite you to check in regularly for updates and new information about solar!

Still have questions about going solar? Contact us or call to talk to our solar experts!

Roof of a home with black solar panels on it
November 18, 2019

Homeowners can control their electricity costs by going solar instead of being at the mercy of rising utility... Read more

Solar Array on Residential Building
October 30, 2019

The federal investment tax credit (also known as the federal solar tax credit) will be stepping down over the next few years, and ... Read more

Solar Array on a Commercial Building
October 22, 2019

The solar tax credit is scheduled to step down over the next few years. In 2020 the tax credit will reduce to 26%. The safe harbor provision allows commercial companies to... Read more
